Aint that just the way...
Last nights shenanigans weren’t really different from the norm. My friend Social Flower, being the beautiful and awesome person that she is, pulled us free tickets to this jazz event where she is just happening to bone the pianist.
Oddly enough, this pianist also lives in my neighborhood, which is cool cause my friend can now stop by after her bang sesh to dish the deetz. Something I’m in desperate need of, since I need to get my mind off this dude from Oakland who hasn’t been texting me back (psh, typical).
Anyway, while we were there at the event PianoDude warned my friend that this girl that he’s kinda hooking up with is going to be there, but insures my friend that he’s more interested in her. Normally I would label this a lie but my friend is pretty rad, and as I witnessed, the heat was real. He wasn’t lying. This was the kind of thing I would see play out at school dances when the guy is just passing time with an unfortunate rando until the girl he’s actually into shows up. I’m glad my friend was the later but you know what happened?
This chick catches wind that my friend, the gorgeous extra as fuck looking model is the other woman. In fact pianobro even tells her “yo, i’m not looking for anything srs” and is obvi secretly wanting chick to leave so he can come hook up with my friend. And as we find out later, other people kept accidentally mentioning my friend (probably cause she looked fabulous, duh) and that the heat was rising between her and this dude. All in front of that chick. And you you know what happened? What really happened that got ya girl Anne-fabulous shook:
👏Gurl 👏Why!?
I was just appalled. But worse, I knew what other chick was thinking, that dreaded thought of “I can turn it around.” It hit me hard. I want to go back in time and shake and shout at her cause she was this pretty rock-billy chick who can do better. And sometimes, the signs are just there honey: you got to just turn back. Give it up! He’s not worth it!
And then I realized, as a cold hard reflection, Oakland dude is not going to text me back. Sometimes, no matter how hard the feels are or how hard you fight, you’re not going to get what you want.
And ain’t that just the way?
Today pianobro took my friend out for a hike as they watched a lovely sunset and she got to be called classic beauty. Other chick gets to sit by her phone in denial.
Welcome to the fucking bay.